Health Holland TKI MKB

Health Holland TKI MKB

ExCulture is proud to announce that we have been awarded the newly established Health Holland TKI-MKB Public-Private Partnership fund. Our project, in collaboration with Leiden University Medical Center – Center for Proteomics and Metabolomic (LUMC-CPM), Good...
30th Symposium of Glycosaminoglycans 

30th Symposium of Glycosaminoglycans 

ExCulture is grateful to have been invited to join the 30th Symposium of Glycosaminoglycans, to participate in thought-provoking conversations with global experts who are exploring the latest developments in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacology and the...
Thematic Technology Transfer

Thematic Technology Transfer

One year after receiving the Thematic Technology Transfer Medtech Voucher, check out this interview they conducted with our CSO Ilaria Poledri on the impact that the support of the TTT program had for ExCulture and the steps we’re taking to “contribute to healthcare...
Venture Challenge

Venture Challenge

ExCulture was announced as the winner of the Spring 2023 Life Sciences at Work Venture Challenge supported by the NWO, receiving a prize of €25,000. The Venture Challenge consisted of a series of intensive training days that proved to be an invaluable learning...
Philips Innovation Award

Philips Innovation Award

ExCulture emerged triumphant on May 15th 2023, as winners of the Innovator League in the prestigious Philips Innovation Award, securing a prize worth €50,000. ExCulture began the trajectory of the Philips Innovation Award in late 2022, covering business plan...
Unlock_ Life Sciences Incubator 

Unlock_ Life Sciences Incubator 

ExCulture proudly announces its participation in the 2023 cohort of the unlock_ Life Sciences Incubation program in Leiden. Building upon our successful completion of the YES!Delft Validation Lab and the PLNT Venture Academy pre-incubation programs in 2022, we have...